Safety advice on Charging your e-Bike or e-Scooter

Sensible advice of keeping safe when you store and charge e-Bikes and e-Scooters in the home.

Many people now possess e-Bikes and e-Scooters that rely upon lithium batteries to power them. As they are expensive items, it also means they are often stored in our shared living space of our homes or connected garages. The concern here is that the number of serious domestic fires started by Lithium batteries overheating is on the increase. In fact, it is quite alarming how many products we keep in our home that depend on rechargeable batteries, the long-term safety of which is becoming increasingly more contentious.

The questions you should be asking yourself are obvious. Do you know how many times you can recharge a lithium battery before it becomes unsafe to use? Do you know the tell-signs of when a battery is becoming unsafe to use? How can you tell if the replacements batteries or chargers are compatible and safe to use? Cheapest is rarely best, but spending more is no guarantee either.

The time to ask these kinds of questions is before your fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night to let you know your e-Bike stored in the hallway of your flat is on fire and blocking your only escape route. That scenario is happening more often that is comfortable to contemplate.

Fire England has published a use guide to the practical implications of recharging your e-bikes and e-Scooters. Heed the advice and stay safe.  

Fire England Guide to Charging your e-Bike or e-Scooter